Did your schooling foster your creativity?
Was it just one teacher?
Do you treasure what that teacher gave you? Perhaps the sense of fun and of joy in finding out new things? Do you carry that memory into your current work and home life? I hope so.
Was it several teachers?
Lucky you to recall that you had several teachers who showed you how to enjoy learning - perhaps they encouraged you in the love of reading? Perhaps in making things? Perhaps in exchanging ideas with your class-mates? Does that inspire you in your current job?
Was it only in the kindergarten and junior school?
Even if it was only in your very young life that you experienced the joy of being creative, do you have memories of what it felt like to play tag in the playground, to mess around in the mud, to build dug-outs, to laugh while getting soaking wet in the rain… is that joy still alive in you?
Was it throughout your schooling?
Lucky you... is that creativity still alive in your work, your family life and friendships? Is that spirit of joy in discovering new things vibrant among your work colleagues too?