Common Delegation Mistakes
While delegation is often a powerful tool, it comes with a set of pitfalls that can seriously undermine its effectiveness. It’s crucial that managers remain aware of these possible mistakes.
This super-common delegation mistake revolves around the natural human propensity to not let go of things that we value.
This is one to be careful of, because not only does it defeat the purpose of delegation, but it can also stifle and de-motivate your team members.

Giving clear instructions is actually a skill in itself. The best way to set yourself up for instant failure is to delegate without clear instructions.
This seems like an obvious one, but it’s also unfortunately very common.
Lack of Feedback
One of the places a lot of people slip up with delegation is in this area. Once a task is handed off, it can be tempting to forget about it..
This is the opposite problem to micro-management, but it’s just as damaging. A lot of managers fail to check in with their team members, meaning that they can be left missing the guidance and feedback they need to be able to do a good job.
Without constructive feedback, team members can’t learn and grow, and neither can your business.
Delegating to the Wrong Person
Matching the task to the right team member is absolutely vital. If there is a mismatch, not only do you not get the outcomes you want, but your team members can also quickly sink into a cycle of de-motivation.
Sometimes choosing the right person for the task is easy, but many times it isn’t. Luckily though, there is a hidden method for doing this with shocking accuracy.
So now, on to the real secret to how your delegation can be highly effective - drawn from 47 years of experience in management performance right here at Effective Intelligence.